American publishers release thousands of new titles every year. Most disappear quickly from bookstore shelves (if they reach bookstores at all). A few win modest acclaim and a small market. A very few become best sellers—sometimes for a month or two, sometimes for decades.
The book business is built on questions that seem impossible to answer. What drives a person to write? How can a publisher determine which manuscripts will be successful books? Why do people buy (or not buy) the latest titles? What can authors, editors, publishers, and reviewers do to help a book's chances to be a bestseller?
The possible answers—and the many new questions each answer raises—make for intriguing reading in this lively survey of writing and publishing in America.
A Matter of Mystery
Winning the Genetic Sweepstakes
Sing, O Muse
The Writing Life
Your Stupid Book Stinks
We're All Connected
Barbarians Through the Gates
Judging a Book by Its Cover
De Gustibus
Non Est Disputandum
Make a Joyful Noise
Making the List
A Boy Has to Peddle His Book
With a Little Bit of Luck
Hats Off to Jackie
Apply It to the Problem
Vanderbilt tells all that every aspiring writer should know about publishing today, and every reader, too.
It's a joy to take this tour of the book business with its eye-opening emphasis on writers.